What's new? October 2020

It's time for another round of updates from our fantastic in-house product team - keep scrolling to see what's new this month!

Improved sign up with social sign in



We've made improvements to our sign up process, which now includes a social sign in option. This allows prospective students to sign up using their Google or Facebook login, giving them a more familiar option to create their account to engage with you. The buttons and highlighted text will display in your brand colours too of course!

Inbox for prospective students on the TAP Page



Once prospects have signed up and started a conversation with one, or more,  of your Ambassadors, they will now see an inbox feature in the top right hand corner of the TAP Page.

This gives them easy access to their chats so that they can browse your TAP Page and then go back to any of their conversations. It also includes a nice welcome ‘Hey, [prospect name]!’ where prospects can view their account settings - a really nice, personalised touch.

Added total number of conversations to Ambassador Report csv export



Just a small one, but a useful one nonetheless. Following feedback that it would be useful to see the total number of conversations - filtered by time period per ambassador - this is now a data point in the Ambassador Report csv export.