The new, upgraded TAP - live NOW!

We’ve been all a-flutter this week at TAP HQ. Why? Because the brand new version of our platform is live!


Yep, after months of hard work, testing and tweaking our new baby has arrived into the world. And, sure, we know we’re biased, but it’s a baby we’re very much in love with.

We wanted to take a moment in this post to run through some of the highlights of the upgraded TAP; please  keep scrolling for our new highlights reel…

**Book a demo of the upgraded TAP now!**

NEW! Content tool!

How good is this? Our new content tool allows you to source user-generated content direct from your student ambassadors!

Content Screenshot

With a few simple clicks, you can put a call out for content in a student ambassador group chat and then quickly share the results to your social media channels or your TAP page - as well as download it for use on your website, in your marketing materials and, well, just about anywhere!

With our content feature, you can really easily put UGC at the heart of social media strategy.

Upgraded Chat

On top of the terrific work our chat feature already does, you can now have multi-participant conversations - meaning your student ambassadors can bring in additional participants to a conversation. Also, once a conversation is closed we’ll automatically collect feedback from the prospective student and you’ll now have the ability to tag ambassador profiles and create more specific profile carousel widgets.

Upgraded FAQs

Questions can now only be created by admin users - basically because we think this will lead to higher quality and more relevant FAQs being created. Your entire library of FAQs will be searchable and you can even add bonus tags to help make the search process even more efficient.

The real beauty, though, is the combined power of the entire platform. When all of our features are used together, something amazing happens; content helps your efficiently create more user-generated content; that user-generated content helps you drive more conversations through chat; and then you collect more leads, get more engagement and build deeper relationships as a result.


Career boosts

Inside our fantastic app, not only can your student ambassadors chat to prospective students, answer FAQs and create amazing content for you, they can also add value to their post-degree lives with career points and career references.

Career points help to recognise and reward your student ambassadors. They play a central role throughout all features on TAP.

Through our app, ambassadors earn career points for time they spend engaging with prospects and creating content. All actions in the app are rewarded, and ambassadors earn bonuses when their content and FAQ answers are published and when they receive good feedback from prospects. This motivates ambassadors to create quality, publishable content and to have helpful interactions with prospects.

App Screenshot

As for the career reference tool, well, that’s about adding real value for your ambassadors.

Traditionally, keeping track of a team of ambassadors and all the great work they are doing takes a lot of work. However, The Access Platform seeks to help you and benefit your ambassadors by making data-driven career references available automatically from our app without you having to lift a finger.

In a couple of taps (boom, boom), your ambassadors can access a full reference for their efforts using TAP, showing what sort of content they’ve created and conversations they’ve had, what impact that work has had for your University, and what skills your ambassador has built through using TAP.

It’s pretty darned great.

What else?

You want more? Well, you can now create amazing TAP pages where, with just a single line of code on your website, you can create a fully-customisable hub of your TAP content - pulling in ambassador profiles, user-generated content and FAQs into one, searchable place.

Our new dashboard is also super-slick and super-easy to use, and - for those who like data - we’ve can offer a host of marvellous analytics too.

Put simply, these upgrades will help you engage with and recruit more students – and harness the immense power of your student ambassadors while doing so. Case in point; Bucks New University has connected with students from more than 70 countries and seen 24% of students who used TAP go on to become an applicant.

We’re incredibly proud of our upgraded platform, we’re excited to show it to you and we’d love to partner with you to create some amazing content and help you recruit more students.

Sound good? Get in touch and book your demo of our upgraded platform today!