TAP in the wild: Auckland University of Technology

Welcome to our new, monthly, showcase of The Access Platform out and about in the wild and doing what it does best - helping Universities connect with prospective students and absolutely crushing it when it comes to peer recruitment!

To kick off this new feature, we’re focusing on a very special new partner of ours - Auckland University of Technology, our first customer in Australasia!

Earlier this year, AUT’s fantastic Future Students Team Advisors used The Access Platform to answer incoming queries from prospective students until this month, and they did a terrific job!

Here's what it looked like!


If you like the look of this and want to chat about how we might be able to help with your institution’s peer recruitment efforts then please hit the button below and book a demo! 

Whether it’s direct chat between your student ambassadors and prospects, the ability to crowd-source authentic answers to FAQs from your students, or level up your user-generated content, we can help!