Find out how to enable email notifications for Chat messages from prospects, in order to reply to them from your desktop.
As always, ambassadors must download The Ambassador Platform's app to create your profile, and share content and answer FAQs.
Once set up, you do have an option in your app (My profile -> Manage Account) to enable email notifications for Chat messages from prospects as shown below:

Ambassadors will then receive email notifications for Chat messages from prospects. You can then click through the link in this email notification, log in, and reply to the message on desktop. The log in details are the same as those used to create the app account.
Desktop version of the ambassador app - Watch Video

You will continue to receive push notifications to your mobile app in addition to email notifications. If you want to stop receiving push notifications, this can be disabled in your device's settings. If push notifications are deactivated however, you will also by default stop receiving all push notifications relating to Content and FAQs also. Therefore we ask that you only do this if you are an ambassador that is not expected to engage with the Content or FAQ features.
If you need any help with this or have any questions, please let us know and email: 😊